And what is he making all night under the bulb? His bench is stained. His rags are soaking. -William Stobb from … [Read more...]
The first time I heard of this artist, I asked, "What is a Beeple?" The person telling me about him only knew he was … [Read more...]
How Do You Measure a Year?
The Fox Cities Performing Art Center’s 2017-18 season is a whirl of world-class, powerful performances that will both … [Read more...]
/ART/ Studio Visit: Claire Abitz
Hortonville is undergoing a renaissance. One of the people largely responsible for this is Claire Abitz. Three years … [Read more...]
This Friday, February 10, Spectrum Dance Theater’s world-class performers will take the stage at the Fox Cities PAC with … [Read more...]
/COMMUNITY/ Letter to the Editor – The Story of Grand KaKalin
Dear Alison, I have been called a riverfront advocate, a placemaking specialist and a community activist. Although I … [Read more...]
/FILM/ All the Roles
Rachel’s gone. Two-thousand-miles-away gone. One really long road trip with loads of pit stops gone. She and Helen left … [Read more...]
/COMMUNITY/ New Year, New Expressions
Artful living opportunities are all around us. We just have to own it, collaborate wisely and see the possibilities … [Read more...]
At a young age, Robb Mommaerts decided he wanted to be an illustrator when he grew up after learning astronauts didn't … [Read more...]
/INSTACRUSH/ Joshua Martines
Here's the thing about Joshua Martines (@durdee_pictures). He makes images using a plethora of techniques, cameras and … [Read more...]
/Community/ Out of the Shadows
Locked behind the heavy doors of the asylum, the history of mental health treatment has long been shrouded in … [Read more...]
/ART/ A LETTER TO THE EDITOR Take Me to the River Edition: Joanna Dane
Dear Alison, How do I even begin writing about Joanna Dane: artist, mother, poet, flutist, blogger, river-lover, … [Read more...]
/ART/ The Alphabet Collector Project
You know that line at the end of the alphabet song: "Now I know my ABCs..."? Well, you might... but not like this. For … [Read more...]
/10 Qs/ Take Me To The River Edition: David Forest Aragon
River + Bay: Who are you? Where do you come from? David Forest Aragon: My name is David and I am a human. I was born in … [Read more...]
/INSTACRUSH/ Mark Steven Hillstrom
Introducing: Mark Steven Hillstrom (@mshillstrom). I think of him as the food-to-table equivalent in the Instagram photo … [Read more...]