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Experience The Fox Cities Performing Arts Center
From high above the street lamps, one’s eye settles on the rooftop of a structure that stretches the length of one city … [Read More...]

/MUSIC/ The Musical Wandering of Steve McCabe
You may remember Steve McCabe as your barista and former owner of Toucan Café in Oshkosh. You may have heard him beat … [Read More...]

/MUSIC/ Erin Rae – A Record-Making Retreat
Nashville’s Erin Rae McKaskle is a pulls-no-punches songwriter. Drawing from a deep well of personal experiences, Erin’s … [Read More...]

/FILM/ All the Roles
Rachel’s gone. Two-thousand-miles-away gone. One really long road trip with loads of pit stops gone. She and Helen left … [Read More...]

At a young age, Robb Mommaerts decided he wanted to be an illustrator when he grew up after learning astronauts didn't … [Read More...]

Quality of life in The Fox Cities
Presented at the 2016 Future Wisconsin Economic Summit, this River + Bay production has set the statewide standard for … [Read More...]

/MUSIC/ A Conversation with Maury Laws
What do Appleton, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty The Snowman have in common? R+B guest contributor Cory … [Read More...]

/COMMUNITY/ A Face of Many
The combination of two ageless problems in our community and communities around the nation—finding affordable housing … [Read More...]

/MUSIC+FOOD/ Ruby’s Return
Ruby Amanfu Pops Up at Three Three Five in Green Bay If you were lucky enough to get a table at Three Three Five on … [Read More...]

/COMMUNITY/ Recap: Bazaar After Dark
Something truly alchemistic is happening in our community. Last Wednesday, a section of an otherwise average … [Read More...]

/ART/ Studio Visit: Julie Jilek
Rows of canvas, layers of charcoal drawings, a velvet chaise lounge, and a Fender Jaguar guitar brim the intimate studio … [Read More...]

/FOOD+DRINK/ Take Out: Town Council
Introducing TAKE OUT, the result of when we call in an order of mischief and meals with restaurant owners, chefs and … [Read More...]